Our Programs

Suicide Prevention

The Council offers varying opportunities for the community to create a more aware and safer environment around suicide. These programs include suicide prevention and postvention models for both adult and youth.

School Based Programs

The Council for Prevention has many evidence based programing (EBP) that is implemented by educators employed at the council. This allows for school districts to save on money and resources by allowing the Council for Prevention to implement the programs in varying classrooms.

Teen Programs

The Council for Prevention offers support services for youth organization groups within the school or community setting. The council currently provides support and programming for SADD Chapters and Natural Helpers groups for many of the school districts in Warren and Washington Counties. The council can also provide out of the classroom education through afterschool programs, youth clubs (scouting, 4H, youth groups), sports teams (both in schools and recreation programs), and other organizations.

Challenge Program

The Adolescent Challenge Program is facilitated by an adventure-based counselor and a licensed professional counselor, who work together to provide mental and physical safety for all participants during treatment groups and adventure outings. We are a partnership between The Council for Prevention and Behavioral Health Services North-Center for Recovery and funded by NYS OASAS.

Court Outing Program

The Treatment Court Outing Programs are therapeutic partnerships with local Drug Treatment Courts at the city and county level. Participants in the Glens Falls City Drug Treatment Court and the Warren County Drug Treatment Court partake in regular, free prosocial outings designed to support their recovery from a substance use disorder.


Gambling can be defined as any activity (e.g. a game of chance or skill) where an item of value is placed at risk in an attempt to gain something of greater value. A problem gambler dedicates more time, thought and money towards gambling than a social gambler.

Hope & Healing Recovery Center

A safe space to find peer recovery support services-services include recovery coaches, recovery enhancement courses, wellness programming, education, life skills, community service opportunities, and mutual aid and peer support meetings.


Training for Intervention ProcedureS (TIPS) is a FREE training highly regarded by New York State and is a NYS Liquor Authority approved alcohol training awareness program. Bar, restaurant, brewery, and liquor store employees learn to safely sell and serve alcohol to prevent drunk driving, underage drinking, and alcohol abuse.

Suicide Prevention School Programing

The Council for Prevention offers many programs to help teens learn how to help each other when going through challenges and crisis. These programs also give teens the tools to guide their peers to trusted and helping adults who can help to provide further resources.